
Sunday, 31 October 2021

What Would The Saints Do? - Aleenah

 Saints In A Covid Pandemic...

Tropical Vacation Dream - Aleenah

Tropical Vacation Dream

The continuation of the 'would you rathers continue'! starting off in Monday with either relax in a beach in NZ or one overseas. I have chosen to vacation somewhere tropical overseas and here is why...

"Out of all the types of natural scenery's I’ve visited in NZ, they have all had some things in common. Grainy sand, icy-cold tides and dark skies. I find that most beaches look the same so I’m kind of tired of them but I do want to visit the beaches overseas, particularly in my home country (I’ve been quite homesick since covid). NZ has wondrous beaches but they always seem gloomy when I appear. I know that in other countries, their waters hold exploration of coral reefs and tropical fish! Ain’t that exciting? Overall my preference is always around the picture perfect scenery of overseas beaches." 🏖

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Which Choice Of Magic? - Aleenah

Which Choice Of Magic? 

It's the end of the week and we are still continuing this blogging streak! with today's theme of choices being which of these are better for producing magic? a wand or your hand?. Hope you find my reasons understandable. 

"There really isn’t much choice of thought when choosing between these two as you have to choose practically and the type of magic that fits that preference is hand magic. It’s just easier to produce magic and it belittles my worries of me losing a wand, I’m very forgetful. Plus isn’t it just convenient? I mean if I were to be in a situation of being against my will, I won’t have a wand being taken away! but I can’t really think of much reason to have a wand except for looking cool in duels with the sparking flair of colors. Now I’ve run out of things to say but just enough to have written my point."

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

2 Choices, 1 Explanation - Aleenah

 2 Choices, 1 Explanation

It's Thursday today which is no exception to compose a 'Would you rather?' passage. Like always, these pieces are written under 5 minutes, while explaining your reasons on your chosen decision. Once again, my version is written right under here.

"For every story there is a hero and a villain, they always have a conflicted relationship for the audience’s enjoyment. But it matters on how good their portrayal is. Now, there are a lot of goody-two shoes characters in stories but was there any villain that actually won against any of them? No. Because they choose a go-to plan of destruction that will always fail. Though if I was a villain, I wouldn’t go for destruction….yet but be smart with gaining knowledge and wisdom before using my fists. The reason why I want to be a villain is because I love drama and being stubborn is kind of my thing unlike the lead heroes who must live up to the expectations of the audience. Something I am tired of! If there is any story who needs a villain, I would definitely be in the line for their portrayal!!!" 😈

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

An Experience Of Old Life - Aleenah

 Would You Rather?

Today is still continuing our series of 'Would you Rather?' and this time it was either choosing between teleporting to my favourite video game or experiencing a role in my favourite TV show! My choice is explained right under here. 

"For today's theme of choices, I decided to examine the world of my favourite show. It’s of course fictional but that’s what makes it exciting. But this show is based in the 1800’s, an era that is hard to evaluate into history. It’s dated and a lot of theories revolve around that time. I mean the other choice of teleporting straight into a video game doesn’t intrigue me enough to choose it. Most video games are tests of survival skills and I have poor skills in that department so living in the 1800’s is better for me. As a female your life is planned ahead, it's sad but it changes later on and I would love to see that. This show explores feminism and the era of life in that time, something I want to see."

Monday, 25 October 2021

Our Kidneys - Aleenah

 The Kidneys

Our kidneys are two of the most important organs in our body and here's why...

Christiaan Barnard - Aleenah

 Christiaan Barnard..

Christiaan Barnard was one of the world’s revolutionary cardiothoracic surgeons in history, being the first person to perform a heart transplant surgery on a patient! This created a media phenomenon having impacted the future today.

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Which Disastrous Event? - Aleenah

Island Or Forest?

Bringing up the question of either being stranded in an island or the tranquil forest are troubling events of disaster. But saying that I have made my bold decision explained below this text.

"Imagine being isolated in a tropical island of nowhere or in the sights of a damp forest. Looking at the chances of survival, a bushy forest is what I prefer rather than the island of isolation. Well it is evident from articles that nature is kinder to people than the tides of the ocean. With a deserted island, you may just have to count on luck, finding food and water is a must. But you can’t drink salt water as it will make you even thirstier! So if I’m looking to survive, the forest is a go because rivers may flow near and food may be easier to search plus it gives off a tranquil vibe. Picking between these disastrous events was tough but I clearly made my point.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Gills Or Wings? - Aleenah

Gills Or Wings? 

The last day of the week, and the last choice of it too! After doing this 'Would you rather?' series, I have seen myself liking it as it serves a creative purpose and it's really fun to know that I may be improving. Here is the choice today! Gills or wings?

"After contemplating between having gills or wings, I understood that the ocean underneath is a world of danger and exploration. To venture in the deep waters, I would need gills to breathe. You must realize that the oceans of our world fill most of earth allowing endless places to visit. This includes the mysteries that humankind hasn't been able to unravel. Yet the skies are open but its bland and not much excitement happens up there. But underneath is a new dimension of species and surroundings. Now that I have validated my point, it is in conclusion that I would definitely choose to have gills than wings of flight."

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

The Saints of Jesus - Aleenah

 The Saints Of Jesus

This week we are celebrating a few Saints from Jesus' time. I have made a slidedeck as task to do activities relating the lives of the Saints. I also worked hard to create illustrations as decorations for the slidedeck!

Meddling With Time - Aleenah

 Meddling With Time

Everyone knows that you can never change or stop time. But I'm answering the question "Would you rather stop or reverse time?". I've explained myself in this paragraph here!

"Time is always ticking and always moving towards the future. But sometimes I find it going way too quick and it’s having me miss some details I forgot to notice so reversing time is the only solution. With it, I can relive memories and maybe even change or advise myself to do certain things. But I can also just see myself grow. I don’t have to meddle with the past, just view it. With stopping time, it's useless. You would just be living in a frozen day and it's unfair, just stopping time can lead to undisciplined actions or worse. So I find the most practical choice, is to reverse time."

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

My Take In Zara Rutherford's Route Around The World - Aleenah

 My Understanding Of Zara Rutherford's Global Trip

Zara Rutherford may sound recognizable as the young woman travels around the world to challenge the world record of youngest and quickest person to travel around our world. My class was involved in our reading task by individually mapping out alternate routes for Zara with clues from the article we read, here is mine.

Not only that, I also marked the countries Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten had visited! Two iconic, female aviators in the world.

Animal Understanding Or Invading Minds? - Aleenah

 Would You Rather?

Another day of my class's continuous creative exercises. This day's theme was either have communication with animals or reading people's minds! I chose animal dialect and here is why:

"If we were to be able to share the same dialect as animals, it would be gifting. The tongue of several species would be fun and intriguing. Communication with such animals would be beneficial and may even let our beings and animals have a harmonious relationship. As we would consider each other’s needs which is a huge step closer to what God wanted in the beginning. But with the trait of reading people’s minds, it invades privacy and you are never free to think freely or imagine, for example: for artists. Their creativity would be robbed of them and it would ruin trust within people while offering the speech with animals would be building trust so therefore, beneficial."

Monday, 18 October 2021

Wizards Or Superheros? - Aleenah

Wizards Or Superheros?

Day 2 of my class's creative writing exercises - Would you rather?.  This time the choices were to be a wizard or a superhero. This is what I chose and why.

"With the role of a wizard, you can create endless experiences of anything. You are exposed to the wonders of magic and spells which have no possible limit. As of that matter, you may choose how you would act with the knowledge of wizardry. Be good and kind or be hateful and dreaded whilst a  superhero is based on a person who has special traits in which they use for the good of the world. It is their oath. But that’s quite boring and limited but as a wizard, you can do anything."

Sunday, 17 October 2021

I Would Rather... - Aleenah

 I Would Rather...

The question 'would you rather slide down a rainbow or jump on clouds?' was asked after my class call which we all had answered by writing a mini paragraph choosing between the two scenarios. Here I wrote my answer and explaining the reason behind it.

I find skipping across the clouds would be therapeutic for me. My mind is always wandering across ideas and crazy imagined events. Running free on clouds would mimic a scene of me running across a flower field. Rainbows can't really compare as sliding down it wouldn't last long as you can anticipate it ending at the bottom with all of your delight gone. But the clouds travel and are on a continuous loop. So frankly, I choose to be free, jumping on clouds.

Caricature Clouds Drawing Cloud Cartoon Free Photo - Cartoon Clouds Drawing  Png, Transparent Png - kindpng